Message to Rosemary Palmer and her fellow Kucinich supporters
David G. Fago
Message to Rosemary Palmer: Yes Rosemary, I am a Republican. You could have had one of your campaign staffers look that up in the listing of registered voters for your district. You did not have to call my home and badger my wife about what party I belong to. Now with that out in the open, I actually want to commend the Cleveland Plain Dealer. I am sure they did not realize that their article about Dennis Kucinich dropping out of the presidential race to concentrate on his re-election to congress was giving great praise to Barbara Ann Ferris.
I make no bones about the fact that I am a Republican. I still have a lot of friends that are democrats (including my mom) who are all very active in the Democratic Party. I will even campaign for Democrats especially the ones that want to bring about good government. I want good government in the 10th congressional district, and Barb’s four opponents (all Kucinich supporters) will continue on with Dennis’ crappy ways for keeping the district in a permanent recession. Some opponents don’t live in the district (Joe Cimperman).
I will quote the Plain Dealer, and cite the paper. “Cimperman campaigned for Kucinich two years ago after he was reassured by the congressman that he would not run for president again.” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray)
Joe Cimperman supported Dennis Kucinich in 2006. If you want more Kucinich, vote for Joe Cimperman. The plain fact that Joe Cimperman supported Kucinich in 2006 shows that he is not for change, nor will he be any different than Kucinich. Also…Joe STILL DOES NOT LIVE IN THE 10TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.
Plain Dealer quote: “Congressional challenger Rosemary Palmer, another supporter of Kucinich’s re-election in 2006….” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray).
Once again…Rosemary Palmer is a supporter of Dennis Kucinich. You want more Dennis Kucinich, than vote for Rosemary Palmer.
“North Olmsted Mayor Thomas O’Grady, another challenger, has had little criticism of Kucinich…” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray)
Tom O’Grady…has little to criticize about Kucinich…he may as well be Kucinich’s campaign manager.
The only Democratic Candidate worthy of a vote to change and improve this district is Barbara Ann Ferris. For the last 5 years, Barb Ferris has said Dennis Kucinich is the problem in the 10th District. In the last five years Joe Cimperman & Rosemary Palmer have supported and helped Kucinich win re-election. In my opinion, Palmer and Cimperman are equally to blame in the disastrous representation we have had in the 10th district. O’Grady seems to not have much of voice since he doesn’t want to be too critical and actually sounds like a Kucinich supporter.
So Democrats have some choices:
1) Dennis Kucinich (recently a past supporter of Dennis Kucinich and Blidpoolrippy (an alien from the planet Xenon in the Quarsasi system)
4) Tom O’Grady (A KUCINICH SUPPORTER based on the fact that he has nothing bad to say about the current former presidential candidate)
5) Barbara Anne Ferris – The only candidate who has taken an outspoken stance against the problem in the 10th Congressional district. That problem is Kucinich.
So there you have it Democrats of the 10th congressional district. You have the choice between four Dennis Kucinich supporters (Joe “I don’t live in the district” Cimperman, Rosemary “I like Dennis” Palmer, Dennis “Kucinich Supporter” Kucinich, and Tom “Nothing bad to say about Dennis” O’Grady).
The only Democratic Candidate worth a damn is Barbara Anne Ferris.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it RP.
More to come…
David G. Fago
Message to Rosemary Palmer: Yes Rosemary, I am a Republican. You could have had one of your campaign staffers look that up in the listing of registered voters for your district. You did not have to call my home and badger my wife about what party I belong to. Now with that out in the open, I actually want to commend the Cleveland Plain Dealer. I am sure they did not realize that their article about Dennis Kucinich dropping out of the presidential race to concentrate on his re-election to congress was giving great praise to Barbara Ann Ferris.
I make no bones about the fact that I am a Republican. I still have a lot of friends that are democrats (including my mom) who are all very active in the Democratic Party. I will even campaign for Democrats especially the ones that want to bring about good government. I want good government in the 10th congressional district, and Barb’s four opponents (all Kucinich supporters) will continue on with Dennis’ crappy ways for keeping the district in a permanent recession. Some opponents don’t live in the district (Joe Cimperman).
I will quote the Plain Dealer, and cite the paper. “Cimperman campaigned for Kucinich two years ago after he was reassured by the congressman that he would not run for president again.” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray)
Joe Cimperman supported Dennis Kucinich in 2006. If you want more Kucinich, vote for Joe Cimperman. The plain fact that Joe Cimperman supported Kucinich in 2006 shows that he is not for change, nor will he be any different than Kucinich. Also…Joe STILL DOES NOT LIVE IN THE 10TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.
Plain Dealer quote: “Congressional challenger Rosemary Palmer, another supporter of Kucinich’s re-election in 2006….” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray).
Once again…Rosemary Palmer is a supporter of Dennis Kucinich. You want more Dennis Kucinich, than vote for Rosemary Palmer.
“North Olmsted Mayor Thomas O’Grady, another challenger, has had little criticism of Kucinich…” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray)
Tom O’Grady…has little to criticize about Kucinich…he may as well be Kucinich’s campaign manager.
The only Democratic Candidate worthy of a vote to change and improve this district is Barbara Ann Ferris. For the last 5 years, Barb Ferris has said Dennis Kucinich is the problem in the 10th District. In the last five years Joe Cimperman & Rosemary Palmer have supported and helped Kucinich win re-election. In my opinion, Palmer and Cimperman are equally to blame in the disastrous representation we have had in the 10th district. O’Grady seems to not have much of voice since he doesn’t want to be too critical and actually sounds like a Kucinich supporter.
So Democrats have some choices:
1) Dennis Kucinich (recently a past supporter of Dennis Kucinich and Blidpoolrippy (an alien from the planet Xenon in the Quarsasi system)
4) Tom O’Grady (A KUCINICH SUPPORTER based on the fact that he has nothing bad to say about the current former presidential candidate)
5) Barbara Anne Ferris – The only candidate who has taken an outspoken stance against the problem in the 10th Congressional district. That problem is Kucinich.
So there you have it Democrats of the 10th congressional district. You have the choice between four Dennis Kucinich supporters (Joe “I don’t live in the district” Cimperman, Rosemary “I like Dennis” Palmer, Dennis “Kucinich Supporter” Kucinich, and Tom “Nothing bad to say about Dennis” O’Grady).
The only Democratic Candidate worth a damn is Barbara Anne Ferris.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it RP.
More to come…
Boy Dave, you hit it on the head yet again. What us Democrats need to realize is that all of these people running "against" Dennis are in truth his loyal supporters. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Rosemary Palmer was in the race to take female votes away from Barb Ferris. She was Kucinich's lap dog once (no offense to canines), so why wouldn't she still be panting for him?
This is some strange reasoning, Dave, and LoyalDemocratFriendOfDave. Do you think it's possible that the opposing Kucinich candidates are tired of him, or betrayed by him, or duped by him, and they're running because they know he's flawed? This "once a supporter, always a supporter" stance doesn't hold up under any scrutiny.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for commenting.
Why has it taken 10-12 years for these people to get duped by him. By 1998, everyone should have realized that he duped us all. For Joe Cimperman to think that he wasn't going to run for presidnet again in 2008 was idiotic. In fact...I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that if Kucinich is still our congressman in 2012, he will run for presidnet that year too. Kucinich has too much fun raising millions of dollars with Jeff Spicoli and Danny Glover to be concerned about the district that continues to blindly vote him in year after year.
I think today it is very convenient to suddenly not be his supporter any more. Also...I like Joe Cimperman. I think he is a great guy. It is too bad he lives in the 11th district. I understand that law only says you have to be a resident of Ohio, but that law is too flawed.
Thanks for the comment, but my feelings are that if you were once a supporter of Dennis Kucinich, that means you prefer his way of letting hospitals close, and you support his way of letting hundreds lose their jobs by the truck load (LTV) without holding even one measly little tiny congressional hearing. 12 years in congress, and all he has done is made friends with Jeff Spicoli and Danny Glover.
I'm thinking it takes people a while to figure out that the person in charge is not acting in everybody's best interests--it applies to more than just this particular Kucinich instance. I remember the feeling personally as far back as Jimmy Carter--I worked in his campaign in Atlanta and still have my invitation to the inaugural ball. it's good you're asking the question, though, because it gives the prospective candidate a chance to explain his or her stance. Paul Schroeder (spelling?), Rosemary's husband, once personally explained to me his profound disillustionment with Dennis, and it was quite instructive. Like you, I was skeptical, I wanted to know why, what's different now.
We are having a MeetTheBloggers session with Joe Cimperman 2/6; usually, we experience an underrepresentation of any kind of Republicans, and we need some balance. Details at
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