Friday, January 25, 2008

Message to Rosemary Palmer and her fellow Kucinich supporters


David G. Fago

Message to Rosemary Palmer: Yes Rosemary, I am a Republican. You could have had one of your campaign staffers look that up in the listing of registered voters for your district. You did not have to call my home and badger my wife about what party I belong to. Now with that out in the open, I actually want to commend the Cleveland Plain Dealer. I am sure they did not realize that their article about Dennis Kucinich dropping out of the presidential race to concentrate on his re-election to congress was giving great praise to Barbara Ann Ferris.

I make no bones about the fact that I am a Republican. I still have a lot of friends that are democrats (including my mom) who are all very active in the Democratic Party. I will even campaign for Democrats especially the ones that want to bring about good government. I want good government in the 10th congressional district, and Barb’s four opponents (all Kucinich supporters) will continue on with Dennis’ crappy ways for keeping the district in a permanent recession. Some opponents don’t live in the district (Joe Cimperman).

I will quote the Plain Dealer, and cite the paper. “Cimperman campaigned for Kucinich two years ago after he was reassured by the congressman that he would not run for president again.” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray)

Joe Cimperman supported Dennis Kucinich in 2006. If you want more Kucinich, vote for Joe Cimperman. The plain fact that Joe Cimperman supported Kucinich in 2006 shows that he is not for change, nor will he be any different than Kucinich. Also…Joe STILL DOES NOT LIVE IN THE 10TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.

Plain Dealer quote: “Congressional challenger Rosemary Palmer, another supporter of Kucinich’s re-election in 2006….” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray).

Once again…Rosemary Palmer is a supporter of Dennis Kucinich. You want more Dennis Kucinich, than vote for Rosemary Palmer.

“North Olmsted Mayor Thomas O’Grady, another challenger, has had little criticism of Kucinich…” (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Friday, January 25, 2008 – Teresa Dixon Murray)

Tom O’Grady…has little to criticize about Kucinich…he may as well be Kucinich’s campaign manager.

The only Democratic Candidate worthy of a vote to change and improve this district is Barbara Ann Ferris. For the last 5 years, Barb Ferris has said Dennis Kucinich is the problem in the 10th District. In the last five years Joe Cimperman & Rosemary Palmer have supported and helped Kucinich win re-election. In my opinion, Palmer and Cimperman are equally to blame in the disastrous representation we have had in the 10th district. O’Grady seems to not have much of voice since he doesn’t want to be too critical and actually sounds like a Kucinich supporter.

So Democrats have some choices:

1) Dennis Kucinich (recently a past supporter of Dennis Kucinich and Blidpoolrippy (an alien from the planet Xenon in the Quarsasi system)



4) Tom O’Grady (A KUCINICH SUPPORTER based on the fact that he has nothing bad to say about the current former presidential candidate)

5) Barbara Anne Ferris – The only candidate who has taken an outspoken stance against the problem in the 10th Congressional district. That problem is Kucinich.

So there you have it Democrats of the 10th congressional district. You have the choice between four Dennis Kucinich supporters (Joe “I don’t live in the district” Cimperman, Rosemary “I like Dennis” Palmer, Dennis “Kucinich Supporter” Kucinich, and Tom “Nothing bad to say about Dennis” O’Grady).

The only Democratic Candidate worth a damn is Barbara Anne Ferris.

Now put that in your pipe and smoke it RP.

More to come…

Friday, January 18, 2008

Fago's endorsements for the 10th Congressional District


David G. Fago

Wow…it has been a long time. This latest update is to weigh in on the 10th Congressional District. I will give my review of each candidate and tell you who I am endorsing for each of the primaries (Democrat and Republican).

The bottom line of this race is to remove Dennis Kucinich from public office. Even if you decide not to vote for the candidate I endorse, I beg you to choose someone other than Dennis Kucinich.

For the Democrats:

It is only fair that I talk about Dennis Kucinich, and say some of things that nicer candidates don’t want to say. I personally don’t care if I offend Kucinich with what I have to say, and I actually hope this article hurts his chances of getting re-elected.

Dennis Kucinich:
1) Dennis Kucinich is a traitor. I don’t care how you slice it he is a traitor worse than Benedict Arnold. At least Benedict Arnold fought for the Colonists for a little while before surrendering West Point to the British. If Kucinich could, he would surrender all of North America to the Taliban and Hamas. He visited our enemies in Syria, and refuses to visit our troops in Iraq.
2) Kucinich is the biggest crybaby of all time. He cried and whined to ABC for not including him in the presidential debate. The response from ABC news should be that since Dennis refuses to ever attend a debate for the seat he currently holds, he should not be allowed to attend any presidential debates.
3) The newsletters he sends home quote all sorts of mail from constituents thanking him for the wonderful job he is doing. I will paraphrase all the letters for you: “Thank you for helping us get our passports”. Whoopie-Freaking-Doo. You won’t see any letters thanking him for holding congressional hearings on the closure of our hospitals and LTV Steel. He didn’t know his job well enough to even conceive of the idea, nor has he learned since.
4) He has burned so many political bridges in Washington, that even if a Democrat wins the White House, he still will not be able to bring action and dollars home to the 10th District. Hillary won’t work with him, Obama won’t work with him, and John Edwards will not work with him. Needless to say…none of the Republicans will work with him either. Perhaps Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would work with him, but that will only happen if Kucinich can surrender the United Stated to Iran. (Even then…I don’t think Ahmadinejad would work with him for long after the surrender).
5) He continues to embarrass this district, this city, this state, and quite frankly the entire United States.

Thomas O’Grady:
Admittedly, I don’t know much about Mr. O’Grady. I have done some research on him though, and I hope he comes to knock on my door. He is the mayor of North Olmsted, and seems to have a pretty decent track record in his career. He is an Army veteran, and a St. Ignatius High School grad (which is always a plus for me…Go Cats!). Hopefully his platform will be to bring jobs and respect back to the District.

Rosemary Palmer:
I have met Rosemary on a few occasions. I have nothing against her as a person, but she is a political novice. She would not serve this district well in the capacity of having very little political savvy. According to her web site, she served on the Board of Education for South Orange-Maplewood, New Jersey. Serving on a Board of Education (in New Jersey mind you) and representing a large municipal congressional district are two completely different animals. Lastly, her main impetus for running for Congress is due to the tragic death of her son in Iraq. I know this because I have heard her speak, and this is the first reason she mentions for running for Congress. As tragic as the loss is, it does not make for a good rep to congress. I would be concerned about her judgment in voting on very key issues as they relate to our troops. Her personal feelings could get in the way of sound judgment, and cost the lives of even more of our solders abroad.

Joe Cimperman:
I have known Joe for many years. He was 2 years ahead of me at St. Ignatius High School graduating in 1988. Joe is a good guy who has well meaning intentions. There is one giant reason why I will not vote for him. HE DOES NOT LIVE IN THE 10TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. According to the Board of Elections, Joe lives on West 12th Street in the 11th Congressional District. Joe should run against Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

Barbara Anne Ferris:
I recently met Barb Ferris while running for City Council in Parma. This lady is sharp, and quite frankly…knows her stuff. Some would say that she is a political novice in not getting elected to any offices previously, but I would beg to differ. Barb could easily get elected to any smaller office without even trying all that much. I even asked her to run for City Council in Parma once. Barb has been fighting for this district since 2004, when she mounted an Independent campaign against Kucinich. In 2006, the Plain Dealer was smart enough to endorse her for the Democratic nomination against Kucinich. She saw a long time ago that Kucinich was costing this district employment, money, and quite frankly our lives. While Kucinich was in Hawaii with Jeff Spicoli, our district was suffering from horrible job loss and unemployment. While Kucinich was blaming George Bush and UFO’s for Cleveland’s recession, Barb Ferris was lighting the fire that said Dennis Kucinich IS THE PROBLEM. Long before O’Grady…long before Palmer….long before Cimperman…Barb is the one candidate that has been fighting to bring respect back to the 10th district since the 2004 election.

Democrats should choose Barbara Anne Ferris as their nominee for the 10th Congressional District.

For the Republicans, there are two candidates: Jim Trakas and Jason Werner. This is an easy one….vote for Jim Trakas. I have met both candidates on many occasions. Hands down, Trakas is the way to go. He is talented enough to win the District. He has tons of public and party leadership experience. Trakas would be an excellent choice for Congress.

I look forward to seeing Barb Ferris face off against Jim Trakas in the November election. If these two faced off against one another, the District would be in great shape. Although…if Homer Simpson faced off against Peter Griffin, the district would be in OK shape…since one of the opponents wasn’t Dennis Kucinich.

More to come...